Saturday, November 22, 2014

Death: Understanding the Trip

No goodbye was spoken, there was none needed
There was an understood farewell
But grasping the truth at first
Was like reaching for the stars
A task that drained emotion
Not knowing what would come next - or would not
The pain was overbearing,
suffocating emotional bag
The end had come and hope had dissolved
Like the sugar in a cup of burning tea
I didn’t know what to feel
Anguish or anger, sorrow or surprise
Confusion began to smother me,
like sand on a fire
But now the light of understanding is bright
The stars are closer
It is no more of a reach but right at my side
I reach for reality and truth without strain
I comprehend
With soul, mind and body
I am at peace
I see it was time
Fate took hold
But I will stay brave and forge ahead
Death came for a visit and took a companion
But I understand.

                                                    Christie S. Peterson

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